Spiral Galaxies
O ur wonderful universe is full of undiscovered scenes. Looking at the sky at night, stars are tiny speks in the sea of night. Zooming into the great beyond looking back at our universe from a distance, galaxies themselves become like tiny speks, like the sand of a beach, unmeasurable. Below, we will be looking at some stunning images of galaxies from a side view. We will focus our attention on spiral galaxies. Keep in mind that there are four main types of galaxies. Ellipticals, irregular, quasars and spirals. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral, like a pinwheel, with lots of gas, dust and young stars. In fact, most spiral galaxies are known to be among the brightest in the universe, except for quasars, which are compact objects emitting astronomical amounts of energy. Thankfully there are none near by. A galaxy is an enormous collection of gas, dust, asteroids, planets and stars all held together by gravity. Our planet Earth is part of the solar system which consis...